
By Brad Hutchcraft

A new movie this December tells the story behind the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem that led to the familiar Christmas song "I Heard the Bells." Longfellow wrote the poem after a great deal of personal loss and in the midst of turbulent times in the country. He was a man searching for peace in the midst of storms all around him.

This might have been written in 1863, but it sounds so much like our world today. Deep division, personal loss, struggling to find hope and peace. And it sounds like the world Jesus was born into over 2,000 years ago.

Did you catch that Good News? Jesus came to earth to bring Hope and Peace to everyone seeking it. To me. To you. Isaiah said He is the Wonderful Counselor and the Prince of Peace. Jesus is just waiting for you to reach out to Him, to ask Him into your heart, to find the peace only He can bring.

Longfellow had it right - "God is not dead, nor does He sleep." He wants to hear from you. If you're ready for the peace only Jesus can bring, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or

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