
Thursday, November 13, 2014

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Our outreach to Native Americans has only increased my wife's appreciation for Indian jewelry. She can't afford a lot, but she can look a lot. One night I was busily involved in a conversation and she was over in a corner, quietly working on some jewelry. Actually she was painstakingly trying to glue some tiny little pieces of turquoise into this bracket thing. And then I heard, "Oh-oh!" I said, "What happened?" She said, "I got some glue on my finger. I said, "Well, okay." She said, "It's Super Glue!" And instantly her thumb and her forefinger had become part of the bracelet. "Oh, no! The ads are right! That stuff bonds instantly; it bonds permanently!" Well we had our own little E.R. there and we spent probably an hour trying to unglue my wife. We tried hot water, home remedies, carefully pealing. It was painful, but well, finally we were able to give her back her thumb and finger.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Super Glue."

Now our word for today from the Word of God, we're in 1 Corinthians 6 and I'll begin reading in verse 16. "Do you not know that He who unites himself with a prostitute, he is one with her in body. For it is said that two will become one flesh. But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body. But he who sins sexually sins against his own body."

Now these are the words coming from the Inventor of sex. And it reveals something that many people just don't realize about sex until it's too late. Sex is emotional and spiritual super glue; it deeply bonds people to each other, whether they're aware of it or not. Whether they intend for it to or not. And like my wife with her bracelet, you will bond even if you never meant to. And like my wife, it's painful to separate when you've done something that permanently bonds.

This "one flesh," well that's quoted from God when it says that about a married couple. "Let no man separate" that couple He says. See, sex is designed by the Creator to be inside a life-long love covenant called marriage. It's designed to permanently bond people. It's given that kind of power to do that. But when you do it outside the marriage covenant, it still has its' bonding power. It deeply attaches you soul to soul with your sexual partner. Even if it's the totally meaningless sex with a prostitute that the Bible mentions here. You can't stop the bonding.

Now, tape bonds to whatever you stick it on. But if you stick it to different surfaces over and over, you know eventually it won't stick any more. See people don't realize that every time they get really involved physically with someone they're giving away more of their ability to have a solid bond; their ability to give and receive lifetime love.

Then in the one relationship they really want to work, the bonding is much weaker than God ever created it to be. And when you try to end a relationship that's been heavily physical, it's like trying to separate two pieces of paper that have been glued together. It rips both people, because two people who have been sexually committed were never meant to separate.

Now, if you asked my wife, she would say, "Be very, very careful with Super Glue or you will end up bonded when you really shouldn't be. And it's going to hurt a lot to separate what's bonded." Well that's really what your Creator's trying to tell you about sex. Keep it special. Keep it saved for your lifetime partner. Don't push the limits physically. Stay within the bonds of marriage. "Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure", Hebrews 13:4.

You say, "Ron it's a little late for me." If you've already gone beyond God's boundaries, I have great news for you. Jesus died for that sin. Come to His cross, hear His promise. This is right out of His Word, "I will remember your sins no more." That forgiving, that cleansing, that new start, that fresh new life, begins when you come to His cross and say, "Jesus, it was for my sin you died." If you've never had that moment, that's what our website's all about. It's to help you begin with Him. Experience His love for yourself.

I would invite you to come to today. Because the power of Jesus can begin to restore your emotional and spiritual virginity. Whatever you've done before today doesn't ever have to matter again, because God has forgiven you.



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