
Thursday, March 6, 2014

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Justin Bieber's been in the headlines an awful lot. Not so much for hit records any more, but for a lot of the trouble that he's gotten into. Well, I'm a grandfather, and so I thought there are some things I might like to write to him. It might go something like this: "I've got six grandsons, Justin. I can't believe it! One is almost your age.

So when I read about your troubles with the law, saw you in a jail jumpsuit, my grandfather's heart was sad. I know you've gotten it all from people. I mean, you've gotten affection, you've got attack, you've got sympathetic people, snarky people. I know you've been blessed with a tsunami of success. I mean, who knew when you were shooting those little YouTube videos, who could have imagined all the massive hits you'd have and all the fans going crazy over you?

And all the choices you'd have because you could do and have anything you want. That's a pretty heavy backpack for a 19-year-old guy to carry. With all the people slamming you and all the people sweet-talking you, I thought you might be ready for a couple of big ideas from a grandfather's heart."

I'm Ron Hutchcraft, by the way, and I want to have A Word With You today about "A Grandfather's Three Big Ideas for Justin Bieber."

Back to the letter: "Justin, let's say we're taking a slow walk on a long beach. Here's what I'd want to tell you... Big Idea #1 - You are choosing a road, not just something to do.

One time I was driving from northern Arizona, straight south to Phoenix to see my little grandson in the hospital. When I got to Flagstaff, I picked a ramp. Two hours later, I wasn't seeing Phoenix; I was seeing signs for California! Little did I know when I got on that ramp I was choosing a road that would take me where I did not want to go.

Life has a lot of "ramps" like that: deciding to hook up with someone, picking friends to hang out with, partying like you want because, 'Hey, I'm young, I want to have some fun! What's wrong with that? Trying stuff that helps you feel good or forget feeling bad.'

What we don't realize until it's too late, like 'why am I in California?' is that we're choosing a road we'll be on for a long time. And if it's the wrong road, we're going to end up where we never meant to go; like in a courtoom, in rehab, or just looking in a mirror and saying, 'What happened to you, man?' I don't want that to happen to you.

Jesus actually said these words, and it would be a word for today from the Word of God. It's in Matthew 7:13-14. 'Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road.' Hey, that's a good one; an easy one to be on. '...that leads to destruction.' Oh! '...and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.' It's the destination that matters most isn't it?

Here's Big Idea #2 - The calculator's always running. Temptation says, 'Hey, forget the consequences.' Reality says, 'The bill is gonna come, man.' Or, as the Bible says in Galatians 6:7, 'Whatever you sow, you will reap.' The harvest may not come immediately, but it's gonna come. We may not see it. We may not feel it. But that calculator is always running, and it's adding up the bill we're going to get.

Big Idea #3 - You're made for more. When millions of people are freaking out over you, it's easy to start believing you're the "sun" and everyone else is the "planets" who revolve around me. That's not how it's supposed to be. You've probably already discovered that a world that's only as big as "me" is a world that's too small to live in. Yeah, being a celebrity may allow you to act like you're bigger than the rules and more important than everyone else. But it ain't so. "Me" living leaves you lonely, empty and hurting. As the old saying goes, 'laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.'

No, man, you're made for more. You've been blessed with a lot. You're 19 and you've got so much influence. So whatever road you're on, other people follow you there. If it's a road to a 'make a difference' life, you'll lead other people there. If it's a road that goes over a cliff, they'll crash with you.

I read somewhere that you recently added a tattoo of Jesus on your calf, I think. If you want a hint of the "more" you were made for, take a look at that picture. He showed us how to really live. The Bible says, 'All things were created by Him and for Him.' We're made to revolve around Him, not to have everybody revolve around us. And He died for you, man, and He rose from the grave to prove that He can conquer everything in your life.

If you want that love and that power, you just tell Him, 'Jesus, I'm Yours.' I would love to meet you at our website and help you begin that relationship with Him. Just go to It's crossroads time; a lot riding on which road you choose.

My favorite poet, said: 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the road less traveled. And that has made all the difference.' I pray you'll choose that road, because I like happy endings."



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