
Friday, June 20, 2008

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When I was little, my dad used to drop me off at a nearby church so I could go to the Sunday school they had there. We weren't a church-type family, so what I saw and heard there was all new to me. And I remember this painting they had of Jesus. Now I know it's one of the most famous ones painted in modern times. You may have seen it. Jesus is in a garden, and He's knocking on what looks like a big oak door. The man who painted it was named Holman Hunt. And when he was ready to unveil it for the first time, he called his friends and family together to be the first ones to see it. Well, it was pretty quiet as each person stood there and drank in the deep feeling that that painting conveys. Then people began to comment on what impressed them about it. But one friend said hesitantly, "Uh, Holman - it's a beautiful painting. But didn't you forget something?" "What did I forget?" The friend said, "The handle. There's no handle on the door." To which the artist simply replied, "Oh! No, I didn't forget the handle. When Jesus knocks on the door of your heart, the handle is on the inside."

I'm Ron Hutchcraft, and I want to have A Word With You today about "The Handle's On the Inside."

This painting was based on Jesus' own words, recorded in our word for today from the Word of God, Revelation 3:20. It was a statement made originally to believers who had left Jesus out of their lives. But it also provides a wonderful word picture of the process by which any person begins a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in." It's real important that we understand what Jesus is saying here. It helps us determine whether He is inside your heart - or outside. It's literally the difference between eternity in heaven or eternity in hell. I hope you can use this invitation of Jesus to determine exactly where you stand with Him.

Jesus says step one is the knocking. I believe that happens in your heart when you start experiencing a spiritual tug inside, a restlessness that life must be more than this, a strange stirring inside that starts you looking in God's direction. Then comes step two. You realize what you're looking for, actually Who you're looking for. In Jesus' words, you "hear my voice." You realize what you are looking for is Jesus - that the only way to be forgiven by God is to give yourself to the One who paid for your sins with His life.

A lot of people have come that far. But Jesus is still outside. Jesus said, "If anyone opens the door, I will come in." And notice who opens the door. Jesus doesn't push His way in. He waits for you to open the door. The handle is on the inside. And it may be that you have never opened that door.

You agree with all the beliefs about Jesus, you like Jesus, you know about Jesus, you've been around Jesus a lot, but somehow there has never yet been that life-changing moment when you actually tell Jesus you're opening up your life to Him. And that's the only step that brings Jesus from outside your heart to inside your heart.

So if Jesus were to come and take away all those who really belong to Him, you'd be left sitting where you are, maybe. But that could change today - right now. Again, Jesus is knocking, isn't He? You can hear His voice in you, calling your name. Isn't it time to put your hand on that handle and say, "Jesus, come in! Beginning this day, I am Yours."

If you've never done that, open the door now. Get it settled once and for all. Experience the peace of knowing you belong to Him. And if you want to know you do, if you want to know how to begin that personal relationship with Him, then our website is a great place for you to visit. And I'd encourage you to go there at your first opportunity today. It's And I think you'll find there a road that will bring you right into a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'd be glad to send you my booklet Yours For Life if you'd like to get it in the mail if you'd just call and ask for it toll free at 877-741-1200.

This could be your Jesus-day. He's ready to enter your life forever, but the handle is on the inside.



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