
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

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It used to be that just one superpower had missiles which could carry deadly destruction to American soil. But in today's post-Cold War world, there are several countries that either have or may soon have that capability; which has necessitated some fresh thinking about America's defense against a missile attack. That, in turn, has birthed the idea of anti-missile missiles. It could be a controversial plan sometimes, but it proposes that we launch defensive missiles to pre-empt and destroy an incoming enemy missile.

Friday, August 31, 2007

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It was a day of national mourning; an unusual outpouring of emotion and affection for the man who had died. The final farewell to former President Ronald Reagan began with official funeral observances in the nation's Capitol: the long, all-night lines of everyday Americans paying their respects at his coffin in the Capitol Rotunda, the highest officials of the land paying tribute to the former President, the memorial service in the National Cathedral, and then that final journey on Air Force One to a family service at his ranch in California. One of the more moving moments of a day with many such moments was when Air Force jets flew over in what is known as the "missing man maneuver." Clusters of jets flew overhead, with one jet in the final cluster suddenly peeling up, away, and out of sight. That's a symbol that says a lot.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

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At first, they were frightened and even bruised faces appearing on Iraqi TV. Early in the Iraq War, there were seven American soldiers and pilots who had been captured by Saddam Hussein's forces and then they were paraded on television for all the world to see. After that, none of us could be sure whether they were hurt or healthy, or dead or alive. They've been way too many scenes like that. Well, retreating enemy soldiers informed American troops of the place where the POWs were being held. As the heavily armed soldiers burst into the room, they first shouted for everyone to lie down on the floor. Then, they yelled out an unmistakable command: "If you're an American, stand up!" Seven prisoners stood up, and they were free.

Monday, August 27, 2007

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I hate it when a five-year-old makes me feel dumb; especially when it's my grandson. I mean, he doesn't mean to make me feel dumb. He doesn't know he's making me feel dumb. But he is really smart, and he knows a lot about a lot! Like the solar system, for example. He's got the planets down cold along with all kinds of facts about the universe. Things I either have forgotten or maybe never knew. Another thing our grandson is really mastering is numbers. Man, can he count! He's working on thousands, millions, billions, and his favorite quantity, a google! When it comes to our universe, he's never going to be able to count that high!

Friday, August 24, 2007

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There's a bridge in a park not too far from here; they take carriage rides there. It's just a bridge to most folks, but not to our son and daughter-in-law. That will always be a very special spot to them. It's where he asked her to marry him. It's interesting how a plain old piece of geography becomes forever special when something special in your life happens there: the place you were born, or where you had your first date or your first kiss, or where you were married, or where some significant "first" in your life took place. When a certain place is where something important started, it will always be a special place.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

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Throughout recent military history, the Army Rangers have been there in some of the most dramatic, most heroic combat events, like scaling the cliffs at Normandy Beach on D-Day, climbing right into the face of enemy fire. It's no surprise that the Rangers played a part, along with other Special Forces, in the rescue of the Iraqi prisoner of war, Jessica Lynch, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. When you're fighting in the heat of battle, it's important to know that your comrades are going to look out for you, no matter what. The POW rescue was one example of a commitment that is expressed in the Army Ranger Creed; a commitment that's echoed in other branches of the military, as well. Here's what the creed says: "I shall never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy."

Friday, August 17, 2007

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Every once in a while as you're cruising down the highway, you'll see one of those trucks - the ones that are carrying a truckload of smashed cars. We're talking, you know like, steel pancakes here. Sometimes you'll drive by the scrap yard where these junkers end up, and there you'll see row after row with stacks of these flattened old vehicles. "Junk," you say. Today it is, but there was a day when that hunk of steel was someone's dream come true. It was the new wheels they'd hoped for and saved for; a prize they wouldn't let anyone touch - now flattened.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

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Hundreds of thousands of Kurds had fled Saddam Hussein's Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War, and they were spread over miles of mountainside on the Turkish border. Christian agencies flooded in with food, medical help and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But most of the Christian workers connected with the people there only from trucks and distribution points, where they handed out food and blankets. But the missionaries from one particular mission organization really broke through the barrier that others were encountering when they talked about Jesus. They had a unique way of getting close to the people and winning their respect and their trust. Here's their radical outreach strategy. Ready? These missionaries offered to pick up the garbage. See, it was everywhere on those mountainsides, and it was pretty gross. Nobody wanted to do the garbage, but those who were willing to were the ones who got listened to.

Friday, August 3, 2007

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My son and I were waiting in front of a restaurant and we saw this dad desperately trying to keep his impatient two-year-old occupied. What's that word they use sometimes to describe the "two's"? "Terrible"? Now there's something in a little child that wants freedom, and will go for it at the first opportunity. This kid was no exception. As soon as his dad let go for a moment, he started chugging down the sidewalk. Dad started after him, pretending he was having a hard time catching the little guy. Well, you knew he wasn't. My son just watched in amusement and he said to me, "It's so funny watching a kid trying to get away from his father. You know he's going to lose."

Monday, July 30, 2007

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It was home improvement time at our house, and with me having a chronic sense of "uncoordinitis," well, we obviously need some help. And our friend Tim is the man for the job for two reasons. First, he's just really good at designing and building and problem-solving. Of course, there are a lot of people who are craftsmen like that. See, the second reason is what really made Tim the man for the job. Sometimes we were gone when he was going to be at our house working. And since he was working in all parts of our house, he needed keys to everything, and there was no place in our home that he couldn't go. That meant we needed not only someone who could do the job, we needed someone we could totally trust. And we had someone like that.



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