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By Lisa Hutchcraft Whitmer

Our list, our people, our get-togethers - we're thinking about others at Christmas, right? Or are we?

With this season being so painful for so many walking wounded, I think we need some new glasses. Glasses that will show us those who are maybe on the fringes of our world - the struggling single parent, the friend whose parent doesn't remember them, the co-worker with cancer, the teenager in the drive-thru window, the one smiling hiding a broken heart.

A simple note, meal, coffee, offer to babysit, gift, smile, cupcake, or chocolate might be just what they need to know they're not alone, and to encourage them.

You know...there's One who always wears these glasses, who sees our hidden hurts, and who "is close to the brokenhearted" (Psalm 34:18).

He made you, loves you, and died for all the junk in our lives, so we could have hope! And maybe hope is what you desperately need this Christmas.

Let's talk about this relationship at 888-NEED-HIM or