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By Brad Hutchcraft

So my wife and I kicked off Christmas at a special fundraising event. Lights, the tree, the music - everything. The only problem? It was November 2nd! No doubt about it - Christmas came early this year.

Whether you're a Christmas before-or-after Thanksgiving person, this might be the year to let Christmas come a little early. No, not the fruitcake or presents. This is about the real meaning for Christmas. It's all about Jesus. But Who is He really? He's so much more than just a baby in a stable.

In the Bible, Isaiah tells us that Jesus is "Immanuel," God with us! John tells us that Jesus is the "Light of the world." The darker it gets, the more we need Him. And straight from the Christmas story, we know Jesus Christ is our "Savior." He saved us by taking our sin-punishment on the cross so we can live forever with Him. When you open the door to Him, Jesus will be your personal Savior. And what better time than Christmas!

So let Christmas come early for you this year, and open the door to Jesus. Connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or, and let the celebration begin!