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Most people think about a name for their baby for months. Not my parents. They named me after Ronnie's Used Cars that they saw on the way to the hospital.

There's only one baby that God named. "You shall call His Name Jesus" - that's what the angel told His earthly parents. And that name meant something - "God rescues."

And that's why the baby came that first Christmas. Because you and I were facing an eternal death penalty for our sin. Our only hope - a rescue. From above. The baby in that manger would one day give His life on a cross. To pay what we could never pay with all the religion in the world. To rescue us.

The Bible says - "There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Our only hope of being forgiven…of heaven. Heaven's Rescuer - Jesus.

He's reaching His hand toward you right now - offering to do what He died to do. Save you. If you want to grab His hand to be your Rescuer, please contact us at 888 NEED HIM or

Because nobody loves you like He does.