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Most parents research names for their coming baby. Not mine. They named me after "Ronnie's Used Cars" that they saw on the way to the hospital!

Now God picked the name when His Son came as a baby that first Christmas. His angel said, "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). See, Jesus means "God rescues."

Think of those 33 Chilean miners trapped in a cave-in deep beneath the ground back in 2010. It looked like they would die there. But 69 days later, down a shaft punched through tons of rock, their rescuer descended to where they were. Because their only hope was a rescuer from above.

Just like us. Jesus is the rescuer who came from above that Christmas to pay the death penalty no religion could pay - for hijacking our life from our Creator.

Now He's come where you are to rescue you. If you'll put your trust in Him. If that's what you want, contact us at or 888-NEED-HIM.

Because you really do need Him.