Watch this NEW VIDEO REPORT from Warrior Leadership Summit

This week, hundreds of Native people have gathered together for this one-of-a-kind youth discipleship conference called "Warrior Leadership Summit."

Young people arrived from all across North America, representing numerous U.S. states and dozens of Native American tribes. And this year, Canadian "First Nations" young people have the largest representation ever at a WLS.

"I am not alone!"

The most common response for Native young people at WLS is this: "Now I know I am not alone!" Many Native American believers can feel lonely, and isolated, where quality biblical community is extremely rare. This is why Warrior Leadership Summit is such a vital week of ministry for Native groups year after year.

Gospel Night

Tonight is what we call "Gospel night." It is the night when Ron Hutchcraft, Co-Founder of On Eagles' Wings, shares how to begin life's most important relationship: knowing Jesus Christ.

After a powerful time of worship, Ron communicated from his heart. He shared from the theme of the week, "Live free."

Ron said, "The cross is the only place you can be forgiven. The only place you can trade hell for heaven. Tonight you can make a new beginning, and truly be free!"

At the end of his message, Ron led in a prayer, and then offered a chance for warriors to publicly declare a new beginning in Jesus. Soon, the entire front of the auditorium was filled with Native young people, choosing to follow Jesus!

You would have been so encouraged to see the counseling room filled with veteran On Eagles' Wings team members, helping these many new believers solidify their new faith in Jesus.

Thank you for your prayer and for your partnership!

Financial update: As of right now, we stand at 83% of our total financial need for the Summer of Hope 2019. Thank you for your part!

To help us close the gap, and have ALL expenses covered for this powerful ministry to Native America, please visit

We so appreciate you!

God bless you.