
Some of God's most impressive artwork is hidden underwater or underground. He cannot make boring stuff, even if it is in a place where few people will ever see it.

Scuba divers know all about God's extravagant beauty. There is rare beauty in soaring stalagmites, underground canyons, and unique rock formations. A little pond called Mirror Lake is only about six inches deep, but it looks much deeper. Looking into this glasslike pond, you see a vast assortment of big and small rock formations that appear to be under the water. It's hard to believe at first, but actually they are on the ceiling of the cave above the lake. The beauty in that lake is really just a reflection of the beauty above the lake.

2 Corinthians 3:18 of the Bible describes reflected beauty. "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." This refers to Exodus 34, where Moses had come down from the mountain after being in the personal presence of the Lord and "his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord." As a result of spending time with the Lord, Moses began to reflect the Lord's glory and didn't even realize it.

Mirror Lake, in that dark cavern, has little beauty of its own. It's really an underground puddle. It reflects the beauty of what is above it, and that makes it come to life. The same thing can happen to you, if you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are spending time with Him. If you allow Him to transform you and make you more like Him, it is possible as an ordinary human being to have an extraordinary impact on someone's life simply because you display Jesus to them.

Here are some important reminders if you want to be one of God's mirrors. First, be with Jesus daily, with the purpose of that time together being to let Him change you. Say, "Lord, how can you make me a little more like you today?" Second, be confident because of whom you represent. You don't have to focus on your appearance, your ability, your limitations, or the impression you're making. If you focus on the incredible Savior you are trying to display, you will become a more confident person. Third, be committed to leaving people focused on Jesus rather than on you. Do you want people to think about the puddle, or the beauty the puddle reflects? Finally, be tough on any self-glorifying thoughts. If you find yourself saying, "Hey, aren't I something?" after something good happens, then you are on the way down. You need to say, "Lord, aren't you something!"

The words of an old hymn say, "May His beauty rest upon me as I seek the lost to win, and may they forget the channel, seeing only Him." Don't be too impressed with yourself, don't promote yourself, and don't be too impressed with other people, or you will be too intimidated to show them Jesus. Be impressed with the glory of Jesus above you and that He wants to show it to everyone else through you.



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