There’s a little town in West Virginia situated in a long, narrow valley. The sun doesn't rise high enough to shine on that town until mid-morning, so it is dark for quite a while each day. There is a mountain that overlooks the valley, and from up there, the view is beautiful. When you can get above the valley, that panoramic view makes everything look different. If you're spending some time in your own valley right now, that may be something you need to remember.

There's a simple six-letter word that represents that view from the mountain that changes how everything looks. Psalm 8:1-4 says, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. You have set Your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him?"

Praise is the word that changes the view. That is focusing on the size of your God instead of the size of your problems, reminding yourself of the great things God is to you and the great things He has done for you, and celebrating who is really in charge in these circumstances. Praise actually has the power to "silence the foe and the avenger." If that refers to Satan, you need to know that Satan can't stand to be around you when you're praising your Lord. Praise takes away the negative attitudes and the discouragement that our enemy loves to work with.

Discouragement and depression, they themselves are "foes" and "avengers" in our lives. The darkness of the valley often causes us to succumb to our dark side, to emotional paralysis, or to giving up, until we make the choice to climb up on the mountain that takes us above all that. You may not feel like praising God, you probably don't. That's when you need to praise God the most. It's a conscious choice to begin saying and singing God's praises instead of your complaints.

Start celebrating the many ways that God has worked over the months and the years. Look at the progress you've made - at how far you've come, not just how far you still have to go. Thank God for the things that didn't happen that could have happened. Praise Him for places you can see Him working in just the last 24 hours in spite of your difficulties. Start talking up the qualities you love about your Lord, the qualities that you're counting on to get you through right now.

The problem is that we get all focused on the sad situation right in front of us as if that's our whole life. It's only a small dot on a big canvas. Stand back and look at that big canvas and see the glorious things God has done in your life, many of which we can miss when we're all focused on the one thing we're battling right now.

When you're in the valley and you're looking only at what's right in front of you, you're just going to get overwhelmed and discouraged. As you start to look at your valley from the mountain of praising God, everything is going to look different. You can have that awesome view anytime you choose to go there.