Thank you for checking out "Go M.A.D. with Doug and Brad." Our goal with these blogs is to summarize some of the make-a-difference steps you heard on the podcast, so you can "Go Make a Difference"! We pray this will help encourage you to put these thoughts and ideas into action, and maybe even share them with a friend.

We've all been there - a crossroads decision where hearing God's voice seems to have extra importance. So what can you do to hear Him more clearly? We were able to spend a few minutes talking to Ethan Forhetz with Convoy of Hope about steps he and his wife, Sarah, took when they felt the Lord moving them on from a very successful career in news media.

While these aren't the only steps to hearing where God is leading, these are very important. We pray these will help you and others you care about on the road ahead:

  1. If married, talk to your spouse. Share what is on your heart and hear what the Lord has been putting on your spouse's heart.
  2. Seek counsel from a trusted friend, your pastor, or other trusted spiritual leader in your life.
  3. Fast and pray! Ethan shared, "I can tell you that you don't get answers to things like you get answers whenever you fast and pray about it."
  4. Make sure you feel the peace of Christ ruling in your heart. (Colossians 3:15)
  5. Trust the Lord and take a step of faith!

In our own lives, we have each had to take some of these very steps. We needed to hear from the Lord about who He wanted us to marry, about serving Native Americans on a reservation, and even about starting this podcast. And when you have that peace of Christ, we can say firsthand that there is nothing quite like it.

We pray these steps will help you take that step of faith wherever the Lord is leading you to do so, and that listening more closely to His voice will help you make a greater difference for Him.

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).

If you missed any episodes, or want to leave a review to help more people hear about how to make a difference, find us on Apple podcasts or at this link:

Until next time, remember to Go M.A.D.!