They're the guys who wear dark glasses, talk to their wrist, and wear that trademark stone face. They're the almost legendary Secret Service agents who guard the life of the President of the United States.

But even the President himself was joking about them the other night at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. He said, "I had more to say, but I have to get the Secret Service back before their new curfew."

He was, of course, referring to the new rules issued since the scandal in Colombia over a few agents' outrageous compromises. Their alleged sexual and drinking escapades have suddenly put the Secret Service in the unwelcome glare of a media searchlight.

There are reports that some of the agents might argue that they were "off duty." But the answers coming back are saying, "When you work for the President and represent the nation, are you ever really off duty?"

And that's when the news story became personal for me. No, I don't work for the President. But I represent the King. Of all kings. So does every one of us who belongs to Jesus. We are, in God's words, "Christ's ambassadors...we speak for Christ..." (2 Corinthians 5:20 - NLT). We serve, not the highest authority in the country, but the highest Authority in the universe! And He's tied His reputation to ours. Awesome honor. Scary responsibility.

So when we blow our top, we give the people watching us a reason to think less of our Jesus. Or when we backstab...or gripe all the time...or talk trash...or check out a girl...or tell a lie...or look grumpy or in the dumps most of the time.

Most people who come to Jesus do it because of a Christian they know. Most people who dismiss Jesus do it for the same reason - because of a Christian they know. We are either a reason for people to respect Jesus or reject Jesus. In light of the eternal stakes, Paul said, "We would rather put up with anything than be an obstacle to the Good News about Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:12).

So my little "fling" - in my attitude, my actions - can be a very expensive act of selfishness on my part. If it costs someone watching me their respect for Jesus. And ultimately, maybe their soul.

I remember being on the island of Nantucket and seeing a lightship by the same name. It's just an historic relic now, but once lives depended on it. It was, in essence, a lighthouse on a ship, stationed in the sometimes deadly Ambrose Channel - a busy but treacherous nautical "highway." As long as it was anchored in the channel, shining its light, no ship would hit the rocks. But should it ever drift off course, it would draw toward the rocks all the ships who looked to that light.

That's us. "The light of the world," Jesus called us (Matthew 5:14). If we selfishly, carelessly drift from Him, we pull others with us. Risking their destruction. Forever.

Off duty? As the face of Jesus to people whose eternity depends on believing in Him? God, help me to always - always - leave the Light on for them.