Thursday, December 25, 2014

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It was the biggest event of the year in the little town of Cornwall; the annual Christmas pageant, starring many of the people of the town. When it came time for casting the various parts, every parent was pushing for their son or daughter to be included. On audition day, it didn't take long to match every part with just the right person.

But then there was Harold. The little guy really wanted a part, but well because of his learning disabilities, the directors kind of kept passing him over. But Harold just kept popping up again, asking for a part. Finally, the directors gave in and they gave him what they judged to be a no-risk part-the innkeeper who comes to the door and tells Mary and Joseph the inn is full. It was a part with only one simple line. Little did they know that the stage had been set for the most memorable Christmas pageant the town had ever seen.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "The Christmas Invitation."

The night of the pageant, you had to get there early just to get a seat. Backstage, the shepherds were putting on their bathrobes, the angels were adjusting their halos, everyone was reviewing their lines, and the directors were going over Harold's line with him one more time, "Now, remember, Harold ... 'I'm sorry, we have no room.'" Slowly, but surely, Harold repeated his line, "I'm sorry, we have no room."

The men of the church built a set that portrayed Bethlehem in the background, a manger on the right, and an inn on the left. As Act One neared its end, a weary Mary and Joseph trudged up to the inn door, desperately looking for shelter. Joseph knocked on the inn door and nothing happened. Backstage the front rows could hear the director whispering, "Now, Harold, now!" The set began to shake! Harold was struggling to get the door open. And then, standing there in his bathrobe, Harold listened as Joseph begged for a room again for his pregnant wife.

Harold said nothing. Again, the backstage whisper, "I'm sorry, we have no room." Another long pause. And finally, Harold struggled through his line, "I'm sorry, we have no room." Then he slowly closed the door. It was as Mary and Joseph began to turn away that the totally unforgettable moment came, the moment no one would ever forget. Suddenly the set started shaking again; Harold again struggling to get the door open. The stunned director's trying to get to him, and he can't get to him in time. Harold opened the door, ran after the departing Mary and Joseph, and loud enough for people in the basement to hear, Harold said, "Wait! Wait! You can have my room!"

You know what? Little Harold understood exactly what Christmas means. Luke 2:7, our word for today from the Word of God, says, "There was no room for them in the inn." But Harold understood that when the Son of God is at your door, you have to make room for Him, which might be something you have never done. Oh, you've done Christian things, you've gone to Christian meetings, you've believed Christian beliefs, and you've developed a Christian image, but could it be you've never really opened the door of your heart to the Savior who died for you, who is once again this Christmas knocking on the door of your heart. Your heart is empty because Jesus still isn't there.

I can't think of a better day to change that; to finally give yourself to the One who gave Himself for you. You can open the door by praying a prayer something like this right where you are, "Jesus, I've been running my life. I resign. I believe when You died on that cross You were paying the death penalty for the sinning I have done, and right now I'm giving that up and I'm dropping it to grab You. I'm putting my total trust in You to forgive my sin and take me to heaven, because You're alive and I'm Yours."

Are you ready to begin that relationship? I hope you'll go to our website, We've got the kind of information that will help you begin and be sure you have that personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

This Christmas season - is the time we celebrate His coming to earth, and coming to rescue you. What a great time to give Him what He came for; to give Him you today. Merry Christmas!