Tuesday, November 13, 2007

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Three feet of snow! That was a weather record I didn't really want to participate in. But, sure enough, we woke up that cold New Jersey morning to three feet of snow that had literally buried the metropolitan New York area. Even New York, the city that never sleeps, had been effectively shut down by the storm. There were cross country skiers in Times Square! Our little guy really wanted to go out in the snow that blanketed our backyard. So we bundled him up and we watched as he ventured into that white stuff. And he promptly disappeared! I went out after him - and, as short as I am, I just about disappeared myself. I almost became the Abdominal - I mean, what's that? Abominable Snowman. It took quite a while for that snow to become manageable and for life to return to normal. And it wasn't the last snow dump of the winter. But for those of us who have lived through some pretty long and tough winters, there is this one word that sustains us through it all. You know the word - spring.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "A Breath of Spring in the Cold of Winter."

You can make it through the winter because you know winter never lasts forever - there's going to be a spring! In fact, spring has never failed to come, no matter how brutal the winter may have been.

God comes to us with an interesting self-description in our word for today from the Word of God in Romans 15:13. He calls Himself "the God of hope." Because of Him, there will always be a spring. Because of Him we can make it through the darkest days of emotional and spiritual winter in our lives. I guess you could describe hopelessness this way: it will always be winter. But hope goes like this: every winter will be followed by a spring.

But let's say it's a winter season in your life right now - it's cold, it's dark, you're battling discouragement and despair. Here's what the God of hope says He wants to do for you: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

Let's break this down. God wants to fill you with joy and peace when joy and peace are nowhere to be found in your circumstances. If you dwell on your burdens, on your fears, on your wounds, or how people are, you'll be filled with discouragement instead of joy and you'll be filled with stress instead of peace. But if you dwell on your all-powerful, always-loving God of hope, you can have a positiveness and a peace that's humanly unexplainable. The problems are still there, but God's joy and God's peace are the wind beneath your wings that enables you to soar when otherwise you would be grounded. You get that joy and peace "as you trust in Him" - not in your feelings, not in what humans can do, not in what you can see, but in Him. It may be winter all around you, but it will be spring inside you!

And it gets better. That joy and peace you download from your God of hope will enable "you to overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." That's awesome! You will not only have enough hope to sustain you, you'll have enough to give away to others who are also going through a long winter. God wants you to be a hope receiver so you can become a hope generator! And as you encourage others, even as you're in your own winter season, your hope will grow as you give it to others. In the words of the Bible, "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" ( Proverbs 11:25).

And, as 1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." If you can be an island of hope in a sea of despair, people are going to want to know the reason. And the reason is Jesus. Which means you can use the winter you're going through to help someone who's watching you go to heaven with you someday!

Spring inside you, even with the winter all around you - that's the hope God wants to give you - the hope He wants to give to you to give to others. You can be their breath of spring in the dark of their winter!