Friday, September 26, 2014

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I was speaking in Mobile, Alabama when I heard about this amazing phenomenon that occasionally takes place there. It's along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay. They call it Jubilee. It happens on a summer night sometime between midnight and six, and the fish, and the crab, and all the other sea critters suddenly move in very close to the shore. It's like they get so close that many of them are right up on the beach. The locals just walk along and they scoop up the fish and the crab, and they gather as much seafood as they want. Imagine what an opportunity it is for the fishermen! I mean, they can grab anything they want without going out in a boat.

Now, this is believed to be caused by the sudden release of this cold, fresh water into the warm water of the bay. I've never been able to tell whether or not that's true. I've never interviewed the crab. That's what people think happens anyway. Whatever the reason, it is a great day for fishermen. It's a great day for everybody along that shore. In fact, in years past, the first one who saw it happening would holler, "Jubilee!" And then you could hear that good news being yelled from one door to another all along the shore. If I were there I would want to know too.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "The Jubilee Moment."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew 9, beginning at verse 36. It says, "When Jesus saw the crowd He had compassion because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into His harvest fields.'" Now, I've thought when I've asked farmers in kind of a word association what would they come up with, you know when I say the word "harvest". And they usually say, "Ready". In other words, there's a lot of people ready for Jesus. And in many ways that might be never more true than it is today. Because we're living in a painful world, an uncertain world, a lonely world that in many ways has made people more ready for Jesus than ever.

Now, watch my lips. "Jubilee!" When it's Jubilee time on Mobile Bay, the fish are desperately searching for oxygen and it brings them all within reach more than at any other time. Their need makes them reachable. This is a Jubilee moment now for reaching the lost people around you with the Good News about Jesus Christ.

On the one hand they're more lost than they've ever been. They know less about the Bible. They don't have much sense of right or wrong. They don't go to religious meetings. But the very things that have made them lost have made them ready. Relationships are disappointing, love is hard to come by, parenting is frightening, marriage is overwhelming, stress is out-of-control, the future unpredictable. The need for real love and real peace and real security and real answers has never been more intense. People are literally gasping for emotional and spiritual oxygen.

When it's Jubilee time, people know what to do. You don't sleep through it. It's a moment when there's a short time and then it's gone, like harvest. Everyone is on the beach for a catch, and that's where we as believers belong right now. This is no time for you or your group or your church to be inside doing Christian business as usual. It's time for everyone who names the name of Christ to be actively, boldly telling the people around them about your Jesus. It's a "drop everything" time to do what Jesus came here to do; to seek and to save those who are lost. If we do, we will be God's instruments to deliver dying people the life they are gasping for.

Remember, the people around you are ready. They're reachable right now. So, get out where the lost people are and bring them home to Jesus. Bring them home to heaven. Send the wakeup call all along the shore line, "It's Jubilee!"