Wednesday, December 12, 2007

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If you were the baby of the family, you may be able to relate to the occasional complaint filed by our youngest who's now all grown up. He kiddingly talks about how many pictures were taken of his older sister, then his older brother, and how we seemed to run out of film by the time he came along. You know, the last-in-line complex. When reflecting on another sibling comparison it led him to a happier conclusion. He said, "You built this big dollhouse as a gift for my sister. Then you built this big, fully loaded barn for my brother. Then you built a general store for me - about half the size of the dollhouse and the barn." At first, he thought, "Here we go again. They'll run out of gas by the time they get to me." But then, he said, he noticed that his store had something neither of his siblings' gifts had - a sign on the store with his name, identifying him as the proprietor. Our son said, "You know, I felt really good when I realized that what you gave me had my name on it!" Let's hear one for the baby!

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "The Incomparable You."

Our son was evaluating his place in life in the same way many of us do - by comparing his life with someone else's. And when we do that, we usually feel like we lose. We always seem to compare ourselves to someone who has more of something than we do; they're better looking, better treated, richer, smarter, more talented. So we end up believing lies about how much we're worth and how much of a difference we can make.

Until we wake up and realize that God has done something totally unique when He made you. There's a life, there's a plan, there's a future that has your name on it and only your name. You are an original, so you can't be compared with anyone else! You are who God says you are; not what anyone else says you are.

God makes that so clear in our word for today from the Word of God. David's prayer here spells out the highly individual and deeply personal thing God did when He designed you. In Psalm 139, beginning with verse 1, it says: "O Lord, You have searched me and You know me ... You are familiar with all my ways ... You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful ... All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be."

Isn't that awesome? You are uniquely designed. There's a daily life plan that has your name on it! If you don't think you're one of a kind, put your hand up and look at your fingerprints! One reason we go through life never knowing our value and missing the destiny we were made for, is because we're away from the very God who gives us our worth. All the wrong things you've ever done have cost you a relationship with the One who made you and who loves you most. It took the greatest act of love in human history to give you a chance to belong to Him - the awful death of Jesus Christ on the cross, paying for every sin of your life. He didn't just die for the world. He died for you so you could be forgiven. So you could finally have the God-relationship from which all your worth comes.

In fact, not only is your name on the unique plan God has for you, but He wants to reserve a place in heaven with your name on it. The Bible says the only ones who will get into heaven are those whose names are written in God's book of life ( Revelation 20:15) and He wants to write your name there today, if you'll give yourself to Jesus, the One who gave His life for you, who left His place in heaven so you could go there.

I've written this booklet about getting started with Him. It's called Yours For Life, and I really want to send it to you if you'll just let me know you want it. I think it can help you be sure that you really do belong to Him. You can get it by going to our website at Or you can call us toll free and ask for it at 877-741-1200.

He made you. He loves you. He died for you, and He's come looking for you today. Don't miss Him.