Tuesday, December 4, 2007

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I was visiting Rome, and I encountered this archway along the Via Appia. It's one of the many such structures that are still there 2,000 years after they were built. But what caught my eye about this one was the three-word Latin question carved in the archway as an inscription. It simply says, "Domine, quo vadis?" At last, those two years of high school Latin were going to be useful! It means, "Lord, where are You going?" It goes back to a legend about the Apostle Peter as he was feeling led by God to go to Rome. Knowing it was going to be dangerous, even life-threatening to go there, Peter needed to be sure that's where God wanted Him. The legend says that he encountered the risen Christ there on the Via Appia, and he wanted to know only one thing from his Lord, "Domine, quo vadis? Lord, where are You going?" Jesus was going to Rome. Then that's where Peter was going!

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Going Where God's Going."

The question on that Roman archway is the question that should be governing every day in the life of one who claims to be a follower of Jesus: "Lord, where are You going?" That's the way He meant for us to set our course to make our decisions.

He made that clear in our word for today from the Word of God in John 12:26. He simply said: "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be." I don't ask Jesus to follow me, to go with me where I want to go. I find out where my Master's going, and that's where I go.

The central action word of the Jesus-life is that word "follow." I got a new understanding of what that means the day I watched my wife follow the driver I was riding with. I had just spoken for a pre-Billy Graham Crusade event in Philadelphia, and they had to rush me to a suburban church immediately afterward to speak for a companion event there. My driver really knew the area. My wife, who was driving our car, didn't. He just said, "Follow me." When he changed lanes, she changed lanes, whether she wanted to or not. When he drove fast, she drove fast, not at the speed she might have liked. When he suddenly made a turn, she made a turn. The only way she was going to get where she was supposed to be was to follow the man who knew the way.

And that's what it means to follow Jesus - the Man who knows the way. A way you don't know. If He moves, you move. If He slows down, you slow down. If He's moving fast, you move fast. If He changes direction, you change direction. I figured out that following carries two requirements. First, you have to be flexible. Rigidity and following don't go together. You have to be willing and ready to change or to move as your leader does, not all rigid and stubborn about doing it your way or the same old way. Secondly, a follower has to be focused; you keep your eyes on the one you're following and you don't allow yourself to be distracted by anyone or anything else.

For me as a follower of Jesus, that means beginning each new day in the presence of my leader, asking, "Lord, where are You going?" You need to know where He's going in your family and join Him in what He's doing, where He wants to go in your church, your ministry, where He's going in your work, your career, your important relationships. Your job is to go with Him where He's going, wherever that is, whatever that means, whatever that costs, wherever it takes you.

So how are you doing at following your Master? Have you been setting your own course and then trying to get Him to follow you? That's a good way to get lost and to get away from Him. Let there be one guiding light, one deciding factor in everything you do, "Domine, quo vadis? Lord, where are You going?" He'll take you where you were born to go, to do the things that you were born to do.