Friday, December 26, 2014

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I'm making a list of great books someone needs to write. One is called "How to Motivate Kids to Work". I'd have bought that one when the kids were growing up. I have to be fair to our guys, they pitched in a lot. But sometimes I could have used a book like that.

They worked very hard in school all week, and they got good grades; keeping a very busy schedule. Come Saturday – the day Dad tries to rally the troops to get it all done at home – they don't want to be rallied. They would say, "Dad, I work all week. I need some rest time. I don't feel like it." Of course then I would want to say to them, "You think all those things might be true of me? I'm going out; I'd like for you to help me." So I did.

And frequently, you know what? I found a boy beside me when I did go out there. We were both tired, we were both busy, we were both not feeling like it, but I started doing the job and it seemed like they were willing to follow once they saw me doing it. It's no big deal, but the principle is. There are few things as motivating as someone else's sacrifice.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "A Shareholder in the Sacrifice."

Christmas is ultimately the story of people sacrificing. Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Luke 1:26. It's about one of those sacrifices. "In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary." We know that the angel went on to tell her that she would be, in verse 31, "...with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus."

Finally, in verse 38 Mary says, "I am the Lord's servant." We read those words and maybe we don't understand what was at stake here. Mary is betrothed; she's engaged to Joseph. She is now going to have to go to him and say, "I am pregnant." In a world in which that could have meant capital punishment for her, is he going to believe she had been impregnated, so to speak, by the Holy Spirit with this baby?

Mary is risking the most important thing in her life – the man she's about to marry. She says, "I'll do it. I am the Lord's servant." Joseph risked his reputation to be with Mary. The Wise Men dropped their work to go seek out Jesus. All of that is minor compared to the sacrifice that was made by the Son of God himself.

Philippians 2 says, "Though He was in the very nature God, He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant made in human likeness and finally became obedient to death; even death on a cross." Then it says, "You have the same mind He had."

Maybe this Christmas season has found you committed to Jesus, loving Jesus, but are you hanging on tightly to this one precious part of you? Maybe it's a person who is very important to you, maybe too important. And though you wouldn't say it openly you're going to have that person no matter what Jesus thinks. Or is it something you own? "Lord, you can have me as long as I can have this house, or this car, or this job, or this income." Maybe it's a position or a reputation or staying in your comfort zone, or a pet sin that you've had tightly clenched in your hand even this Christmas season.

Sacrifice is really what Christmas is all about. Mary risked it, Joseph risked it, and Jesus risked it. How can you and I keep hanging onto our little treasure? Why should God make all the sacrifices for Christmas? Is the servant (that's you or me) better than the Master (that's Him)? It's time to be a shareholder in the sacrifice.

This Christmas open your hands as Mary did – not knowing where it would take her; not knowing what it would cost, but knowing the God she loved, "I am the Lord's servant."