Friday, July 19, 2013

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I don't think Alexander Graham Bell could ever have conceived how much we would use his little invention called the telephone, or how many ways we would think up to use it! You know, some of those magic three-number prefixes that we all know so well; the 800 number, because 800 equals toll free calls, and there's 888, and there are all kinds of them now. We're pretty quick to make that call. Then there are the 900 numbers; the toll rich calls. You really want to be very slow to make those calls. Those 900 numbers can access everything from Santa Claus at Christmastime to party lines for lonely people, to pornography.

And then there's 911. In many places across this country 911 is the number you dial for emergencies. You dial that and you'll get an operator who will immediately, of course, dispatch the police, or the fire or the medical help that your emergency requires. Now, 911 callers, if you've ever heard their recordings, they are not casual. They speak with urgency, sometimes they're in tears, and they're almost always desperate...and help is on the way.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "911 Power."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew chapter 5, and I'll begin reading in verse 24. "A large crowd followed and pressed around Jesus, and a woman was there who was subject to bleeding for twelve years. She suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet instead of getting better, she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in a crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, ‘If I could just touch His clothes I will be healed.' Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was free from her suffering."

This is the story of desperation. This is a woman with a need that no one could meet. She had been to every resource there was; she exhausted them all, and no one could meet that need but Jesus. She almost literally lunges for Jesus. It's that kind of desperation that unleashes the power of God in your out-of-control situation.

Unfortunately, so much of our praying is measured, and predictable, and theologically beautiful, but not desperate. When someone calls 911, the voice is not usually calm and the caller is not beating around the bush. "Hello, I'd like to speak to you about a little situation we have here. Let me give you a brief description of it and see if there's anything you can do." No, it's, "Help!" And then there's that urgent, often clumsy description of the need, and then help is on the way.

See, the most powerful praying in the world is 911 praying; pouring out that whole bottle of emotions you've got, gushing to God all the hurt, and the anger, and the doubt, and the loneliness, and the fear. Not trying to be strong any more-lunging for Jesus. It says here she had spent all she had on a solution. Does that sound like you? You're in a situation that's totally out of your control, you've done everything you can, you have no more ability to affect the situation, and Jesus is your only hope. Excuse me, but that's a great place to be!

That's when all the emergency resources of heaven start roaring to your side. God's been waiting for you to be honest with Him, desperate with Him, bankrupt in front of Him; to release it all and then to collapse into His arms. Whatever is causing you to bleed, that's His great concern. Just let it go! Don't try to be strong with Him. Let it out!

God responds miraculously to 911 calls from his children. Help is on the way.