By Doug Hutchcraft

A few Christmases ago our family made a fateful decision: switching from a real Christmas tree to a fake one. I thought it would make my life easier. 'Til I tried actually constructing a ten-foot tree that has about 9,000 parts.

That's the weird thing about "live" Christmas trees: they're anything but. Sure they look great on the outside...but they're actually dead inside. I wonder if that might describe you this season.

If it does, there's a reason for that: there's this relationship you were CREATED to have with the One who made you. But this ugly thing called sin, as the Bible puts it,keeps us from having that relationship because it "separates us from God". The Good News? That same Creator chose to make the ultimate sacrifice so we can be "reconciled to Him" - and find what Jesus called "life to the fullest".

Why not find out more by calling 888-NEED-HIM or by visiting - and discover life that lasts forever!

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