
Thank you for caring. Thank you for making an eternal difference!

Ron Hutchcraft, Chairman
Brad Hutchcraft, Director, On Eagles' Wings




MAIL your gift to: On Eagles' Wings / Hutchcraft Ministries, PO Box 400, Harrison AR 72602 PHONE your gift to: (877) 741-1200

On Eagles' Wings® is the Native American outreach of Hutchcraft Ministries.

Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.

Charity NavigatorAll Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Donor Advised Funds contributions are processed through the Hutchcraft Ministries Foundation (under the umbrella of National Christian Foundation). Hutchcraft Ministries also receives stock and other non-cash gifts. For more information or to give in this way, please contact Louanne at Hutchcraft Ministries, (877) 741-1200.

Hutchcraft Ministries is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).




Hutchcraft Ministries
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72602-0400

(870) 741-3300
(877) 741-1200 (toll-free)
(870) 741-3400 (fax)


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