Thank you for checking out "Go M.A.D. with Doug and Brad." Our goal with these blogs is to summarize some of the make-a-different steps you heard on the podcast, so you can "Go Make a Difference"! We pray this will help encourage you to put these thoughts and ideas into action, and maybe even share them with a friend.

Easter is a perfect opportunity to help the people in your life experience the hope that you found in Jesus. He is Risen!

On this special episode of "Go M.A.D. with Doug and Brad," our dad, Ron Hutchcraft, joins us in the studio as we discuss some very practical ways to help make Easter a M.A.D. Launchpad. We pray these practical steps will be an encouragement to you, and will help you as you seek to share hope with those around you!

Here are the four steps, that delve deeper in the podcast:

  1. Invite your friend / family member to an Easter event, such as church or a special concert.
  2. Provide an Easter event. If you don't know of something happening in your area that would be good to bring a friend or family member who doesn't know Jesus to, host one of your own.
  3. Share a brief version of your Hope Story.
  4. Merge the power of social media with the power of the Empty Tomb.

As Ron shares in the episode, "Whichever one of these you choose to use, do something at Easter. He is alive! He could be alive in them."

We pray these steps will help you bring the hope of Jesus to others in this countdown to Easter!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" (1 Peter 1:3).

If you missed any episodes, or want to leave a review to help more people hear about how to make a difference, find us on Apple podcasts or at this link:

Until next time, remember to Go M.A.D.!