Friday, December 16, 2016

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It was two weeks before Christmas. Our whole family was returning home from a Christmas party when a drunk driver decided he liked our side of the road better than his side. In a split second, he swerved right in front of us. The next second, I was looking at a hood that was folded up almost to the windshield. A few hours in the emergency room showed us that – miraculously – none of us had been seriously injured. The car, however, didn't do as well. It was totaled.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Totaled At Christmas."

It's no fun having your car totaled, believe me, especially at Christmas. Or to have your life totaled. In the midst of all the joy and excitement, maybe this Christmas season finds you wounded and hurting. Divorce, disaster, death, depression, disappointment – those things hurt anytime, but especially at Christmas.

If you're damaged; if you're down this season, in a way Christmas is actually very much for you. You see, behind the amazing events at that manger in Bethlehem is the mission for which Jesus came. It's described, in part, in Isaiah 61:1, and it's our word for today from the Word of God. He says, "The Lord...has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted." He wants to come into your life this Christmas and begin that heart-healing that only He can.

The old nursery rhyme tells us about "Humpty Dumpty," who had a "great fall." "And all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again." Well, I'll tell you what, our world is filled with Humpty Dumpty people, and you might be one of them right now. And while all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Humpty together again, the King can! Psalm 147:3 tells us that "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

But it cost Him everything to be able to do it. Because the ultimate source of the hurt in this world is that dark force that the Bible calls "sin." Some people think sin is just like breaking the rules of some religion. Actually, it's violating the laws of God Himself. It's living as if you're the "sun" and everyone else and everything else should revolve around you as the planets – even God and how He wants you to live. There are like over seven billion of us humans who have made that choice, and the result is a mountain of hurt and guilt and pain.

The Son of God was born into this world to do what only He could do, because He was perfect. And that is to die in our place to pay for our sin and break its destructive power in our lives. God's Word says, "He was a man of sorrows...He carried our sorrows...He was crushed for our transgressions; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him" (Isaiah 53:3, 5-6). And the awesome news is that He's ready to come into your life this Christmas to forgive every sin you've ever committed, to heal what's broken inside you if you will turn the steering wheel of your life over to the One who was meant to drive all along.; the One who loves you like nobody has ever loved you.

The healing begins the day your relationship with Him begins. And that relationship begins when you say to Him, "Jesus, I have no hope but You. You died for my sin. You showed Your power by walking out of Your grave, and I am ready, Jesus, for You to run this life of mine and make it what I never could." In a very real way, the hits you've taken, the hurts you've endured can actually bring you into the very purpose for which you were made by giving yourself to the One you were made by and you were made for.

What a wonderful time to begin a relationship with Jesus; the time when He came into this world. He can come into your life and change it from the inside out. I want to invite you to go to our website, because I've laid out there as simply as I can from God's Word himself exactly how to begin a personal relationship with this Jesus. He wants that for you. I want that for you. I hope you'll go there today –

This Christmas doesn't have to be just more of the hurting. It can be when the healing begins. Jesus loves you so much that He was totaled for you so you could be whole.